Archive for the ‘relationships’ Category

To 3 awesome years

May 11, 2010

My Mentor Gina Silva and Rob after Anchoring the news.. 3 years ago on mother's Day

3 years ago on mothers day I first stepped into the Fox 11 Studios in West Los Angeles. For me it was a new experience, after watching the coverage on September 11th,2001 I had developed a passion for journalism. My story might sound weird, but what really grabbed my attention on September 11th was the coverage the media had. From reporters on the ground to reporters on the helicopters and correspondents everywhere I knew this was what I wanted to know. I first called the station and talked to them, I told them I was a student who attended Wilson High School in East Los Angeles and I wanted to know if the station would mentor me. I wanted to be mentored by Gina Silva, who at the time was the traffic reporter in the helicopter.

A few weeks after I called them,  I recieved an email from Gina. She was happy to be able to mentor me, but it would take a few months to meet each other. As the months went by Gina and myself communicated via email. We finally got to talk on the phone and she invited me to sit and watch how she anchored the morning news. I was really excited that I was going to be able to sit and watch my idol anchor the Sunday Morning News. Gina who started working on Channel 13 known as UPN 13 then changed to My Network tv  talked to her producer friend Tim and asked him to see if he was available to pick me up from my house. Gina and Tim agreed to the date and the pick up time and notified me.

At that point  I started to google search who Tim Harrell was, but nothing came up. I didn’t know who he was or how he looked. When the day finally came, Tim was an older man who looked like a undercover officer. He was waiting for me outside of my house. At this point I was on a car with a total stranger going to the station. We started talking on the way to West Los Angeles, and he told me stories about him and Gina. Stories of when they would go out and cover the news and stories of when they would go to Baja California to do their investigations.

When we arrived to the station, it was Huge. It was my first time ever being at a news station. I was happy when we entered the studios around 6:30am. We walked threw the hallways and I was able to meet producers, news editors and people who answered the phones at the assignment desk. I went to the make up room and saw Gina getting her make up done. Her Co- Anchor Rob Weller was also getting his hair and make up done. She was really happy to meet me after months talking on the phone and talking via emails. Tim who was my ” tour guide” was showing me the offices and the desks of the reporters. I sat on the Control Room for the first half  hour of the show, then at 7:30am we went and sat on the studio chairs.

As soon as the news ended at 7:57am we took pictures I was able to get scripts of the show and walked around the studio. After meeting and talking to the staff at the newsroom, Tim took me outside to where they had their news vans and news trucks. It was fun sitting on the vans and seeing what was inside of them. Then we took a microphone from the truck and we took pictures. Gina and Tim decided to take me out for breakfast after the who tour. We went to a restaurant and ate pancakes, talked more and they asked me a few questions. The Day ended after breakfast and we went home. Tim on the way home started telling me more stories of Gina’s and his Adventures in Miami. I got home and was able to share my experience with my brother and sister. We kept in touch after that first meet and now 3 years later im part of Fox 11 news street team. I sometimes get calls from the station asking for my help or to investigate on a problem going on. The part I like most about all this is the people you meet. Even though you are with one station, I like meeting other reporters and talking to them.

Grey’s Anatomy and Why I love it

May 5, 2010

That's them..Arizona Robbins

My all time favorite show is Grey’s Anatomy, I don’t know how that happened but I watch it everyday. Other people may say that the show is pointless, but it’s enjoyable for others and there’s nothing wrong with that. The main people are: Meredith Grey, Derek Shepard, Christina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George O’ Maley, Alex Karev, Mirand Bailey, Richard Weber, Addison Shepard, Caliope Torres, Arizona Robbins, and Preston Burke. I guess I just really like how people are in the show and what they say to each other that makes it funny and sometimes sad.

Meredith Grey and Derek Shepard had a confusing, hurtful, intense relationship. Christina Yang and Preston Burke were an odd couple because she was pretty much a slob and he was a top surgeon and a clean freak. Izzie Stevens and Alex Karev, first off they hated each other then liked each other, then she liked a patient but he still liked her, then they got married after. George, well he’s all alone cause he’s just weird and I don’t like him because he gets butthurt about everything. Mirand Bailey is all business when she’s at work and Richard Weber is the Chief, so that means he’s important. Caliope Torres and Arizona Robbins are a couple. Yes, they are both girls but it’s life and it happens.

I would say my favorite person on the show is Arizona Robbins because she’s so hopeful and she has a good personality and a nice smile. Well, I enjoy watching the show and yes a lot of things happen between all of them which is sometimes weird but I guess that’s what makes it interesting.

The problem with Cursing

April 21, 2010

Cursing is a bad habbit that society has happened to have picked up quite well. There isnt some place somewhere where a person isn’t using swear words. This could make a person look pretty trashy since it shows low manners to be using such language. But its just so addicting. It is practically impossible to stop and it is one of the simplest ways to express our feelings. It is even used as a sort of comedy. Is this good though.?

The use of foul language by children is becoming worse and worse since they are using swear words at younger age, and worst of all in a way to direspect elders. Its is uncontrollable, the words just slip out, even when they aren’t supposed to; getting people in tough situations because of it.

Life and Choices

April 20, 2010

Oh, how sweet life is..

I’ve heard people say that life is too short and that we shouldn’t have to play by the rules. We should do what we want and not let anyone tell us what to do. Then why does it feel like some days take forever to end? I do think that you should be able to do what you want but if someone tells you what to do maybe they’re just trying to help you make a good choice.

I’m not sure but I know that I hate it when I’m told to do something that makes me unhappy. That makes me want to be in a  rush to be older and do what I want when I want. I say if you want to really do something that makes you happy, don’t hesitate to do it. It kind of sucks that parents can tell you no and freakin control your life because if you tell them how you feel then you get in trouble, unless that’s just me.

Life is life and it does suck but I guess it’s best to see the bright side of situations and get passed them. I mean it’s always better to be happy than to be sad and miserable right? I’ve learned from experience that being sad makes things worse and why would anyone want to be sad at all? So I’m learning to be happy and stay happy and to see things from a different perspective and try to understand more of what I don’t know.

Why do people kiss?

April 20, 2010

Have you ever stopped to think why we kiss?  This question has never crossed my mind until yesterday. I was reading this article in a website called Divine Caroline. It says Philematologists themselves are not sure exactly why we kiss. But they have a theory. They believe that it originated from primate mothers who chewed food for their offspring and fed them by having lip to lip contact. They also had use this lip to lip contact as a manner of showing love and bonding.

Though kissing might have evolutionized through time, we use kissing as a method of transferring critical information such as helping us find a mate, sending chemical signals, and creating relationships.

Kissing allows us to send essential characteristics about ourselves without us realizing it.”Part of this information exchange is most likely facilitated by pheromones, chemical signals that are passed between animals to help send messages.” Animals release pheromones “to alert their peers of things like mating, food sources, and danger”.  Humans also do this when they kiss. When we kiss, cant our mate can tell if we are mad, in love, or pretending? Can our mate tell if something is truly wrong in the manner we kiss?

mary jane kissing spiderman to see if he's right for her.

Claud Wedekind conducted a study where we use chemicals to help us find out mates. He proved that women were the ones who use this chemical more than guys do. He showed that women look for a specific scent in a man. Not a cologne smell, but a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) smell, “which is a series of genes involved in our immune system.” They look for a smell that is different from themselves. Having a different MHC means less immune overlap and a better chance of healthy, robust offspring. Women use kissing as a method  to see how compatible the mate is with her before she invests too much time on him. Women use the manner the guy kisses as a way to see if there’s any chemistry between them.

At the University of Albany, they proved that women perceive kissing way differently than men do. For women, kissing says it all. Women won’t have sex before they kiss their mate and if the guy is a real bad kisser, then he can be sure there won’t be a second date. Men on the other hand, can have sex without the need of kissing before hand. They can even have sex with a girl who’s a bad kisser. Not only is kissing used to access info, but it also feels good. “That’s because kissing unleashes a host of feel-good chemicals, helping to reduce stress and increase social bonding.”

A study showed that after kissing, oxytocin, which is involved in pair bonding and attachment, and cortisol, a stress hormone, changes. The longer you are in a relationship the lower the cortisol becomes. Whats funny though is that scientist have found that oxytocin levels are higher in males than females. That explains why men love to “mess around” more than women. lol.

We kiss because of three human attractions; sex drive, romantic love, and attachment. Simple as that. Studies have also proven that whenever we kiss, our heads always turn to the right. Haven’t you ever noticed that?  There you have it. Men, now you know that the biggest concern in a woman is the way you guys kiss. Thats what is going to decide if she’ll get with you or not.

The Problem with Opinions

April 12, 2010

Side bags are way better than regular backpacks. Vans are better than converse. Sewn jeans are cooler than just skinny jeans. Purple is better thank pink. Grapes are the best fruit you could ever eat. Drums are the only instrument worth playing. Flyleaf, Paramore, Senses Fail, Underoath, and Disturbed are freakin cool bands.

I wonder why people’s opinion matters to us. Does that mean that person is important to us since we care what they think? I think that other people’s opinions stop us from being ourselves and sharing what we actually like, instead of liking something you think they think might be cool, if that made any sense. If friends say they’re really your friends then they should like you for how and who you are. It doesn’t matter if you like to read a lot of books or you like to clean, friends shouldn’t put you down by saying “that’s lame.”

That may be their opinion, but it can be hurtful and why would you want to hurt your friend when it doesn’t matter? Friends are FRIENDS and it kind of bugs me when they say things like that just because it’s not something they do or because they aren’t used to it. Some people don’t care too much about other people’s opinions but some do care and I don’t know if that’s a problem or not. It’ll probably only be a problem if that person turns it into something bigger than it is. You are who you are and if you let opinions that aren’t yours get to you then just don’t listen to them. People will like you if they get to know you but you have to give them that chance and not hold anything back.


Jeez, people these days

March 11, 2010

We are all different: Live and Let Live.

People don’t like being different because they don’t want to get made fun of, but that, I think just makes you kinda fake. If you aren’t being yourself then who are you being? Obviously not yourself, but hey, I guess that’s your choice to be like that or not.  What’s so wrong about being yourself no matter how weird you are? Of course everyone is weird to each other because it’s something different than that person knows and so they think it’s weird.

Being different isn’t a bad thing, I would say it’s something good because you aren’t following everyone else. Me and everyone else in my class are different in so many ways, but I don’t think anyone in here is weird because I KNOW that they are different from me. Maybe what they do is weird to me because I’m not used to that, but it’s also cool too because I learn something new. Other people may have a different opinion on this, but what others don’t seem to do is think it through. Instead they immediately think something or someone is weird just because it’s different from what they know.

A lot of people have called me weird for singing randomly, for laughing at something they don’t think is funny, and even for liking High School Musical. It’s not that I’m weird it’s just that I’m different in my own way and I guess people don’t see it that way. Just something to think about…I guess.

The Way it Is

March 11, 2010

How about we DON'T cuss!

I think it’s always a good thing to think before you say anything because you never know what might come out of your mouth that might hurt someone else or just be plain dumb. People say offensive things without knowing  and I think they should try to break that habit.

But it’s not my job to tell people how to talk because everyone is their own person and they should be able to act and talk how they want. When people curse it does bug me, but I can’t make them stop talking that way because thats who they are. I tell my friends that there’s really no reason to curse. They say they don’t curse too much, only when they get really angry, but I still don’t think that’s a good reason.

I also think that maybe people should think before they talk because apparently some people get hurt over the things that other people say. I say just ignore it because it’s not like they can tell them how to talk. I wouldn’t want anyone telling me how to talk or even act.

What does it mean to be “Emo”?

March 5, 2010

Emo teenagers are often in need of emotional help.

emo sayingsPersons usually become emo because they either don’t have much love at home and they want attention, they have problems dealing with community,people such as family members and friends, or they just want to be cool and don’t even know why they are doing it.This is commonly found in teenagers. Sometimes you even ask yourself what is the definition of emo, well the definition of emo is a type of style in music terms.But this is not just music it’s also about feelings and a way to express yourself. The way that people do this is by hurting themselves, most commonly they cut their arms. This is not a good way to express your feelings. The only way to stop some one from hurting themselves is by talking to them and comprehending them because they just want some to listen to their problems, and when people don’t do, they get really hurt.

However, some people just do it because they think its cool, but really it’s not because its fake. This not an emo person this is just a wannabe emo. Usually emo people would say things like “words hurt more than my cuts. This could end up going badly, as they can commit suicide This is why if you know that someone is emo you should help them or get them help.

I knew a boy in middle school that was emo. This boy had no self-respect because he would bring scissors to school and literary cut himself during class and wouldn’t care what people would say. This boy eventually became addicted to being emo because he would do this every day and when he did so he would laugh. If someone told him to stop he just wouldnt because he thought that it was funny. This kid eventually over cut himself and went to the hospital and since then I haven’t seen him again. This is just an example of what emo people can go through if they dont gett any help.

School Ends and So Do Friendships

March 4, 2010

The end of the school year is just around the corner, and with it comes the summer fun, college preparation, and worst of all, leaving friends behind. Friends we have known since the beggining of our freshman year and friends we recently met.

Being a senior is an exciting experience. As a senior you come through difficult, stressing, happy, and unforgettable moments and situations. During senior year, we get to experience prom, graduation, and gradnight, one of the most important things during our senior year. We experience as well stressing stuff; such as college applications, letters of recommendation, and scholarships. Everything seems carzy and non-stop, but this is the beauty of being a senior and having those unforgetable moments both good and bad.

During high school, we get to experience having friends and enemies. In this case, what we most remember about our senior year is all those times we spend next to our special friends. Laughing, joking, and crying together as one is what makes our senior year the best. When its time to leave and start a new chapter with our lives, we always make promises that sometimes are hard to keep and other times we stick to them. Those promises are always about keeping in touch or always being friends or never forgetting about each other. Its hard to keep these kinds of promises, especially when the college you are going to is out of state or far away from your special friends. We start meeting new people, making new friends, and we start to forget about the old ones.

Eventhough we all go our seperate ways, we should all still stay in contact with those special friends we shared those moments with. There are people that walk in and out of our lives, but those special friends should stay in our lives and have a special place in our hearts. No matter how many friends we meet, who we get close to, or if we see each other or not, we should all still talk to each other. Friendships are hard to start but they are even harder to break apart.